Camel Park Arteara (San Bartolomé de Tirajana)

3.0 3.0 de 5 estrellas
103 comentarios
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Camel Park Arteara
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Lo que debes que saber

  • ❗️El Camel Park Arteara está ubicado en Gran Canaria, España.
  • 🚪 Abierto todos los días de la semana.
  • 💰El precio de la entrada incluye un paseo en camello de unos 10-15 minutos.
  • 📸 Los visitantes pueden tomarse fotos con los camellos y llevarse un recuerdo.
  • 🍴 No hay muchas opciones de comida, solo hay una pequeña tienda de regalos y una zona para tomar bebidas.

Tourbly dice

Camel Park Arteara es un lugar encantador ubicado en San Bartolomé de Tirajana, donde podrás disfrutar de una experiencia única montando en camello. Los animales son cuidados con esmero y algunos incluso se encuentran sueltos en libertad, lo que permite acercarse y acariciarlos. Aunque no sea una experiencia deslumbrante, es perfecta para pasar un rato agradable en medio de la naturaleza. Además, el trato amable y cordial de los trabajadores garantiza una visita placentera.

Este parque se encuentra rodeado de un entorno realmente hermoso y tropical, con un exuberante palmar. El precio de entrada es bastante asequible comparado con otras opciones similares, lo que hace que sea una excelente opción para visitar en familia. Además, montar en camello es una actividad que los niños adoran, por lo que podrás disfrutar tanto de los paisajes como de la diversión que ofrece este paseo.

En el bar del parque, atendido por un amable chico sudamericano, podrás probar deliciosos zumos y disfrutar de un momento de descanso entretenido. La atención amigable y servicial del personal, sumado a la belleza del entorno, lo convierten en un lugar que debes visitar. No te pierdas la oportunidad de disfrutar de un paseo corto pero placentero, donde podrás aprender más sobre los camellos y recibir información valiosa por parte de los trabajadores del parque. Además, te aseguro que los animales están bien cuidados, lo que hace que la visita sea aún más gratificante y enriquecedora.

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Más detalles

Barranco de Arteara 5
+34 670 67 40 29

Opiniones de viajeros sobre Camel Park Arteara

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Philipp Wolfart

Do not support this establishment. The people are kind and helpful, but the way the animals are treated is nothing short of torture.…

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Rebecca Hollingsworth (Bec Mag Hol)

We attended the camel as part of the jeep experience and we were very pleased with the experience.…

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martinizatt MI

Great place to visit, lovely way to spend time, viewing the dunes of Maspalomas from the back of a camel. Staff were fun and friendly. Prices were extremely reasonable. We hadn’t booked but were lucky enough to get tickets on the next tour.…

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Kelly Short

We came here as part of a discovery jeep trip. My boys rode on camels for the first time and loved it. There is a small gift shop, a place to get drinks and a smoking area which is in the shade.

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Patrick Luke (Pathofthedragon!)

Our trip to camel park was part of a 4x4 tour around gran canaria local areas we paid in advance for a camel ride at the camel park and was our 2nd stop.The fee for the 4x4 tour and camel ride was arranged by our holiday provider TUI. We…

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Lynn Brown

Absolutely amazing experience. There's a little shop with cold drinks and ice creams. There's also a little zoo. The lady working there was lovely. The camels were bigger than I expected. Ours was impatient and stood up whilst we were still…

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Fem Irish

We went here as part of an excursion. The place itself was not appealing. It looked run down. A few of us who did not actually do the Camel Rides, all passed comment that the…

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Agata Walas-Popiel

Come here as a part of safari tour. A bunch of people ride the camels, with 15% opting out. The chains for the camels are short, they don have much shade. I can't comment much else, as we didn't ride the camels, but it seemed like the conditions for the animals could be better.

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Dean Clarkson

We didn't ride the camels but stopped off here as part of another tour, some of our party had camel rides. The camels looked happy enough, not sure what happy camels look like! Some basic facilities and what looked like a cafe/restaurant which didn't seem to be open. We didn't have to wait long for the camel riders to return.

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Mihai Petre

Really kind employees, nice trees (a bigger variety will be great), fresh smoothies and of course nice camels. You can also feed them.

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Mark Ford

Not camels-only one hump! But good experience-enjoyed by the family.

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Lynn Thompson

The camel we went on was a tad impatient and wanted to stand up the second we sat down. We didn't go far on the safari, about 10 minutes but it was enough. A nice experience that wasn't that expensive

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Ian Pinfold

Nice little oasis the the barren landscape. Stopped really for a rest bite while on a tour, but it was nice enough and the animals seemed well looked after. Interesting carvings in the local cactus.

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Nice little park, camel ride is 10 euros for around 15 mins. Camels were nice and friendly so there is no reason to be afraid. It's kind of a family entertainment. 2 or 3 persons can ride one camel. One in the right seat, second in the left…

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Nathan Yaxley

So hot here, love a camel ride. Not too badly priced for a 10 minute walk around.on them.…

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Debs Scully “Winky debs”

Went on a jeep around the mountains then stopped for food,after that we went on a camel ride

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Nathalie M

the worst we have ever seen! the camels looked sick and were injured. they looked so sad and that place was mismanaged and dirty. they should shut down. do not visit this place!

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Stuart Holt

Fantastic time. We really enjoyed our camel ride. Organised well. Great fun.

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Tim Brown

Had a great day as part of a day trip to ride them dor around 15mins up and down the road. They looked like they cared for there animals. Food,waters,nice and clean where they keep them.

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Kelvin Tunha

Amazing place to be. Staff can speak fluent English and spanish

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vishang shah

It was great experience and worth doing.

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jerry crombie

The camels had a very small area to stay and sleep in, they were chained to the ground and appeared unpleased when the people were sitting on them.

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Philipp Hofer

this attraction is not the best, you come there and then you walk with the camels 🐪 about 20 Minutes around the area!…

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Emmanuel Benitez Ledesma

Excelente paseo en dromedario. Muy bonitos y simpáticos. Hasta me dejaron hacerme un selfie.

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Helen Horsfield

Daughters & grand children really enjoyed it 👍👍…

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Laura H

Wouldn’t even give it 1 star. Animals are being abused! DO NOT VISIT… we stopped as part of a jeep tour here. Animals being hit to walk. Clearly very unhappy. Ashamed we even had to step foot here. Place is very dirty.

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Ana Rodriguez

Te dan 1 paseo en camello de unos 10 min más o menos, por una zona regulera llena de piedras poco ambientada. Todos los camellos están aglomerados con poco espacio entre ellos.…

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Arno van den Berg

Disgusting to see the camels with steel muzzles and chained to a fence in the blazing sun. Pitty some tourists still think it is fun to ride a camel.

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John Malam

We did this as part of another tour, to be fair it was really good, only short but it was fun and if you're an animal lover you will love it.

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Karolina Sikora

Really nice trip with about 10 minutes walk with the camels

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Camel Park Arteara

¿Qué es el Camel Park Arteara?
El Camel Park Arteara es una atracción turística ubicada en Gran Canaria, España, donde los visitantes pueden disfrutar de un paseo en camello y aprender sobre estos fascinantes animales.
¿Cómo es la experiencia de montar en camello en el Camel Park Arteara?
La experiencia de montar en camello en el Camel Park Arteara es emocionante y divertida. Los visitantes pueden dar un paseo en camello alrededor del parque durante aproximadamente 10 minutos, admirando el paisaje y disfrutando de la compañía de estos amigables animales.
¿Cómo es el trato a los animales en el Camel Park Arteara?
En el Camel Park Arteara se toma muy en serio el bienestar y la salud de los animales. Se aseguran de que los camellos estén bien cuidados, tengan suficiente agua, comida y descanso. Además, se les proporciona un espacio amplio y cómodo para vivir.
¿Qué otros servicios ofrece el Camel Park Arteara?
Además de los paseos en camello, el Camel Park Arteara ofrece una pequeña tienda donde se pueden comprar bebidas frías y helados. También hay un pequeño zoológico y áreas de descanso donde los visitantes pueden relajarse y disfrutar de la naturaleza.
¿Cuál es el costo de un paseo en camello en el Camel Park Arteara?
El costo de un paseo en camello en el Camel Park Arteara es de 10 euros por aproximadamente 15 minutos. Es una experiencia única y asequible para toda la familia.
¿Es necesario reservar con anticipación para visitar el Camel Park Arteara?
Si bien no es necesario reservar con anticipación, se recomienda hacerlo para asegurarse de tener un lugar en el próximo recorrido en camello. Sin embargo, si tienes suerte, también es posible conseguir boletos en el lugar sin reserva previa.
¿Qué tan recomendable es visitar el Camel Park Arteara?
El Camel Park Arteara es altamente recomendable para aquellos que desean disfrutar de una experiencia única montando en camello y aprendiendo sobre estos animales. El trato a los animales es excelente y el personal es amable y servicial. Además, el precio es razonable y las instalaciones son cómodas y limpias.
¿Qué hoteles cerca hay de Camel Park Arteara?
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